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BitNinja bug bounty program - after the first week of testing

BitNinja bug bounty program launched on our platform a few days ago, so far more than 100 ethical hackers have joined. Why the ethical hackers like this program? What are the most important factors in building up your bug bounty program?

Balazs PoznerMay 20, 2021 · 2 min read · Last Updated:

BitNinja bug bounty program - after the first week of testing

BitNinja bug bounty program launched on our platform a few days ago, so far more than 100 ethical hackers have joined. Why the ethical hackers like this program? What are the most important factors in building up your bug bounty program?

When we started to plan with the BitNinja team, we went through several factors, especially objectives and requirements. In the end, they chose to start with a public program containing gray-box testing to provide the most comprehensive results possible. We set up a managed program which means that our team verifies the bugs reported by the bounty hunters, this way BitNinja only receives valid and accurate reports. Furthermore, they decided that valid reports submitted during the testing period will be eligible for up to 1000 Euro bounty.

This reward motivates the community to participate in the testing and also means a strong commitment to security.

BitNinja team is looking for the help of ethical hackers to report security vulnerabilities they may find. Check out the details on our bug bounty platform.

If you consider starting a bug bounty program, our team of security experts can help you to integrate bug bounty into your cybersecurity strategy.

HACKRATE website

Written by Balazs Pozner
CEO and Founder of HACKRATE Ltd.

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